On this journey that takes a lifetime to complete there are times when the mountains bring you higher than you've ever dreamed and times when the valleys bring you so low, you wonder if you'll come out on the other side or if you'll survive at all.
My family and I just traveled to Banff, in beautiful Alberta, Canada on our summer vacation! Talk about beautiful, the words and pictures just can't even come close to describing the mountain peaks and the valleys that we saw! If I could, I'd take anyone who wanted to know how our trip was and teleport them there, even if for just 5 minutes. Then maybe you could grasp the awesome beauty that we were blessed to be able to experience! I took oodles and oodles of pictures, so many that were I to show them all to you, you'd be board long before we got through all of them! Again I say it, the pictures just don't do it justice.
If you know me, I've got to find something profound out of this picture object lesson! When I think about God in His glory and think of Angels singing around His throne 24/7 singing holy, holy holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was and Is and Is to come! I'm sure we cannot even begin to grasp how amazingly awesome Heaven is going to be. I Corinthians 13:12 (NLT) says, "Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity."
We Christians are to be a reflection of God, albeit a poor reflection, but a reflection none the less. So as we live this journey called life, let us not forget Whose name we represent! When the world sees us, do they see love being lived out? Do I live in such a way as to make someone want what I have?! God help me!
Simply & Honestly I close with this final thought in regards to trying to put the beauty we saw into words and all I can say is if this is in a fallen world, then how much more beautiful will Heaven be? How much more will it be worth everything we face, even the valleys of life, when we see and experience what God is preparing for us! If you find yourself in one of those valleys, don't forget that God has something greater and higher than any mountain we could ever conquer!