
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Small, Everyday Miracles

Little by little God is growing me!  It's true!  This morning upon waking, my head throbbing, my body weary from a fitful night's sleep and thinking about the task at hand, I just cried out to God for the strength to do it without complaining.  He so graciously answered that heartfelt prayer!

As I was driving in the car, I began to reflect on how God gave me the help I needed this morning to just do the necessary things to get my son out the door, care for the dog, get ready and tough it out without any pain med  or food till I got through with my blood work! 

I also recalled a phrase I came across when I was reading in the Bible taken from Mark 6:51-52 "Then He climbed into the boat, and the wind stopped. They were totally amazed, for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves.  Their hearts were too hard to take it in."  The phrase, "...for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves." played over in my head.

Upon thinking of this scripture I witnessed something when we were attending Kenmore Alliance Church up in Tonawanda, NY.  The event left me and another onlooker shocked!  We as a family were heavily involved in AWANA, the church's children's program that met on Wed. nights.  One particular Wed. night, we were having some kind of party in which several of us were asked to bring some kind of snack cakes to pass out to the kids.  Well it was one of those nights where several people at the last minute, couldn't make it due to sickness or unforeseen events and so those of us who did show up brought our snack cakes to pass out.  But we were short on supplies.  There was no time to go to the store.  The cakes were placed on the table to serve and the kids came through to grab them.  A lady and I looked at the line up of kids and the amount of snack cakes on the table and we were both like, there's no way there will be enough cakes to go around for all these kids!  To our amazement every child went through that line and got a snack cake!  I seem to recall there were even a couple leftover!  

It would be easy to rationalize or explain that away, but I personally witnessed it!  There is no doubt in my mind, God performed a small miracle that night!  It is so easy to forget the little things God does, answers to prayer,His mercies that are new every morning, help in the night when fighting a headache and in last night's case no way to take any of my normal pain medicine, just rely on God!  Now I will say this, my dear friend Joy Walton shared with me some of her herbal oil for sinus issues.  I did have that available and some icy hot and so I was able to use those items for my headache.  I am incredibly thankful to Joy, because I was living on sinus meds and since I've been using the R.C. oil I've drastically cut back the amount of sinus/allergy meds I was taking!!  Again one of those small miracles if you will that God has brought to me!

As I was driving I was also thinking of my friend Amanda Quinn.  She had requested prayer because her daughter needed to see a specialist. In the weeks that had passed while waiting for the appointment, she received a call from the hospital that there were some complications with the insurance coverage.  She asked the small group I attend to please pray that the insurance coverage would go through. Well, her daughter's appointment is today and as of yesterday, 8 days after she'd requested prayer she got a call and the insurance company did approve the visit with the specialist!  Again, some could rationalize or explain this away, but when God takes care of His children, you can't deny it!!!

Simply and Honestly I'm thankful for small, everyday kind of miracles!  There's a song that pleas with God, Open the eyes of my heart Lord, Open the Eyes of my heart, I want to see you.  I want to see you....  My prayer for myself, is that God will help me to see the significance of the little everyday miracles He does in my life!

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