
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving With Every Fiber of My Being


     Last night before we turned out the light and called it a day my husband and I shared some of our favorite Psalms together from the Bible.  Mentioned among our favorites was Psalm 1 "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly ... .  Psalm 27 "The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life..."  of course The Thanksgiving Psalm 100 "Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise..."  But the Psalm I was waiting to share was Psalm 103.

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits 
Psalm 103:1-2

     Personally I am an, "All or nothing" kind of person.  In this Psalm, David doesn't just say  he praises the Lord, he says it with every fiber of  his being!  Wow!  That's the kind of Christian I want to be!  Since this blog is titled Simply and Honestly  I'll tell you honestly that there are days when I struggle to let this truth be fleshed out in daily living.

     Let me explain a little further in detail.  I Thessalonians 5:18 says that I am to," Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"  I must confess it's much easier to fly off the handle when things don't go the way I want them to go.  Am I the only one who can come up with sarcasm at it's finest when I'm frustrated?  One of my favorite lines is . . . "of course such and such didn't happen, because that would be convenient!"  It's just so much easier to whine and complain if you know what I mean!

     God has been calling me away from those responses and prompting me to give Him praise in ALL circumstances!  And here is yet another reason to do away with the whining, sarcasm and complaining.
"Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation."  Then you will shine among them like stars in  the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life."  Philippians 2 :14-16 

     One thing I tell my son Michael is that "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how we react to it"  (Charles R. Swindoll)  Ouch!  I'm preaching to myself!  My desire and determination is to not give in to the temptation to complain when I'm frustrated.  I pray for God's help, because I know I can't do this without Him!

     And so to my amazement, God gives me the ability to hold back on those complaints!  He puts a desire in my heart to praise Him and to look for the good!  I can tell you that doesn't come naturally to me.  It is God's strength in me!

  This Thanksgiving Day of 2013 I want to give a song of praise to God and His goodness in my life.  I want to do this with every fiber in my being!

How Can I Keep From Singing
By: Chris Tomlin

"How can I keep from singing your praise?   How can I ever say enough?  How amazing is your love!  How can I keep from shouting your name? I know I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing!

I can sing in the troubled times.  Sing when I win.  I can sing when I lose my step and  I fall down again.  I  can sing cause you pick me up. Sing cause you're there.  I can sing cause you hear me Lord when I call to you in prayer.  I can sing with my last breath.  Sing for I know, that I'll  sing with the angels and the saints around the throne!

I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing!

Wow!  What can be greater than that?  If you get a chance look up Psalm 103 because David gives a whole list of awesome things that God has done and will do in our lives if we let Him!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Looking for the Good

     I love to see what God does with his paintbrush this time of year!  Vibrant oranges, yellows and reds on the trees, carved pumpkins, geese flying south and the first frost of the season.  These are markers to me of a strikingly beautiful time of the year!  The season is Fall and the month is November.  A special time to pause and reflect, not just on material possessions but on the really good stuff!

     That is probably an oxymoron calling people and blessings the really good "stuff"! This month several of my Facebook friends  have had a daily entry of something they are thankful for.  I guess that's what's got me started on thinking of what I am thankful for.  So I pause right here to say, "thank you" if you are one of those friends who've faithfully entered something you've been thankful for during this month.

     Do you know the expression, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone."?  This month has been an astonishing reminder of that expression.  Don't get me wrong, I know that we are blessed way beyond anything we could ever earn or even deserve.  God has been so good to my family and I that I feel unworthy and even at times feel guilty.  

     What I am referring to in that expression, "You don't know what you've got till it's gone,is the devastation  from Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Phillippines. On November 8, 2013 what has been known as the deadliest storm to ever make landfall occurred. The pictures, the scenes and the stories are forever etched in my memory.  My heart has been heavy as I pray daily for these people. They had next to nothing and the little bit they did have was destroyed. 

     I think it's in times like this that what really matters in this life becomes very clear.  What really matters are  the people and  the relationships we have, not houses, cars or anything that money can buy.  When I saw parents stricken with panic and grief because they had not been able to locate their son or daughter it just pulled at my heartstrings! To wake up one day and find your home in a pile of rubble is one thing.  To wake up and find out your spouse or your son or daughter, or any number of relatives or friends cannot be found and there is little hope, they will be found is entirely a different thing.

     This is getting really heavy and if you're in a hurry you're probably pealing out about now or have already deemed this too depressing and have moved on.  I'm guilty of such actions so I get it.  BUT I do want to pause right here and say that even in tragedy there is good to be found.  The enemy of our souls would want us to believe that this is the end.  That we may as well give up because there is nothing good to be found in this tragedy.  He would want us to curse God or blame Him and have us focus on the heartache.

    To coin another expression, "You are what you eat.".  Really a better way of defining who we are is by defining us by what we think about. Rather than how we feed our body, how do we feed our soul? When bad things happen my natural inclination is to dwell on it.  Thinking through the scenario, thinking about how I could have done something differently or just running it over and over in my mind like it's on continuous replay.  But as a Christian God has been changing me!  Wish I could say I've arrived in this area, but none the less He is changing me day by day!

     It is by choice that I yield my natural inclination over to Him to help me look for God's goodness in people, things and events.  Now, back to  Typhoon Haiyan, in the news I saw how people in the Philippines were saying, "How could God have allowed this to happen?"  And to be completely honest with you, I've had a hard time wrapping my mind around that question.  There is no easy, pat answer that will be a cure all end all.  BUT I can say this, as a result of this horrific tragedy people are looking to God for answers and for help.  I didn't hear about this in the news, no I heard about it from a dear lady from our church who's son and daughter in law are missionaries to the Philippines through the Church of the Nazarene. She says, that for her entire life the Philippine people have never been this way.  Her daughter in law informed her that people are saying, "we have turned away from God and now we need to turn back to Him".  

     All I can say is may God be praised!  In this tragedy people are seeking Him!  I ran across a quote the other day that was new to me. "Sometimes while we're waiting for God to do something "big" we miss out seeing Him in a thousand little details throughout our lives."

Simply and honestly looking for God in the details is a little like playing I Spy. It does not come naturally and it takes God's power at work in me to look for the good things God is doing.  As for thankfulness, I could list people and events in my life that God has used to shape me into the person that I am, and I could truly list a whole lot of material things that God has blessed me with!  Still don't know why He's been so good to me!  BUT I am so incredibly thankful for His goodness in my life!  I'll finish with this passage that looks for God's goodness in the midst of tragedy.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Amongst Friends

Two weeks ago Kelly Barr invited another friend, Lynette Groves and myself over to her home for supper and to maybe play a game afterwards or to just talk.  When 3 women get together, watch out!  It spells nothing but trouble! :)  Somehow we got to talking about how we are getting so forgetful, at our young ages I might add!  I was relieved to know I wasn't the only one saying one thing, but meaning to say something else.  For example, when  trying to do something really fast like trying to break up a "fight" between our dog and our son, I'll  mistakenly call our dog named Dusty, Michael!  I was relieved to know that I'm not the only one who can't think of the word I'm trying to say when giving directions to my son ect...    Being amongst friends in the same boat gave me a sense of belonging.  I could let down my guard and just be myself!  Both of these women are great at putting a person at ease. That night we laughed so hard that I know it was good medicine for the soul!!  Thank you Lynette and Kelly for the laughter that made me feel like I was a teenager again!

Since forgetfulness seems to be plaguing me these days, more than I care to admit it has me to thinking.  I know, " Don't think too much!".  In the Bible God warns us not to forget the things He commanded.   Dueteronomy 4:9 says "But watch out!  Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen.  Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live!  And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren."

God also does not want us to forget the great things He has done.  When Joshua was a new leader over the Israelites God commanded him to have the whole nation of Israel to cross through the Jordan river on dry land. The number of men alone was at 601,730 that's not even figuring women and children! (Numbers 26:51)  God's hand held back the waters and the Bible describes them as standing up in a heap (Joshua 3:13)

After the Israelites were so miraculously taken care of by God, God told Joshua to have 12 representatives to each get a stone and make a monument. This monument was to be a reminder of what God had done on that day.  God said, "In the future, when your children ask you, 'What do these stones mean?' tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD.  When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off... ." (Joshua 4:6-7)

In light of that, I recall a time in Buffalo, NY.  It was about this time of year Nov./Dec. and we were making initial stages to move to Ohio.  Steve was working late and so it was just Michael and I at home that evening.  Feeling compelled (I believe God prompted me) we knelt down and prayed for Michael to be able to make new friends and specifically to find a friend who has Alopecia.

Those of you who do not know, Michael has an autoimmune  condition known as Alopecia that makes him allergic to his own hair.  It is rare but happens to men, women and children of all ages.  For some people it is temporary, others it is life long.  However it is NOT life threatening and at this point there is no cure although it is being researched.  For more details you can access the official web site:

We moved to Ohio in April of 2008~ yet another thing to remember God helping us to sell our house in the coldest part of winter in Buffalo, NY! We had lived here maybe a month and were shopping at  Berean our local Christian Bookstore at t.he time.  Cindy Molnar an employee who works there seeing Michael with no hair approached us.  She asked about his condition and I was quick to reassure her he is not on chemo or fighting cancer.  I started to explain about Alopecia to which she mentioned that she runs a support group for people with Alopecia and wanted to know would we like to join the group?

Well fast forward to Saturday, November 2,2013 and our family finds ourselves with 4 other families meeting together just to hang out and compare what's going on  in our lives.  There were 4 children who have Alopecia and 2 of their siblings who do not have it.  They were all playing together having a great time.  While we parents took time to share things that've happened and plan our next get together!

It's just so amazing that these kids were brought together and have that sense of belonging that you can only have with people who've experienced the same things you've gone through! Others can sympathize ect.  but till you've walked a mile in another person's shoes, it's just not the same.  But the greatest part is that God did not just answer that prayer with one friend!  God brought 4 friends and their siblings + another boy that Michael went to school with had Alopecia temporarily.and we were able to reach out to him.

Simply and Honestly I just want to take time to remember the things God has done.  I was able to share this story at our last meeting and really wanted to put this here in print.  To give God the credit and to remember the great things He's done in our lives!

Wishing I had taken pictures at our last meeting to share here with permission of course!  Maybe next time! :)
Michael at 12 months 

Michael at 3 yrs. Hair patchy had lost all
and returned temporarily.
Michael at 4 yrs. At this point he permanently lost his hair.